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Tragic day

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  • Tragic day

    woke up this morning, and my overflow had lost suction, apparently it got blocked by some leaves or something, i'm still not sure. but between 3am and 8:30 am this morning, it shut off, the whole thing, and the bodycount is currently at 16. a couple questions for everyone,

    first, is there something i can do for the survivers to help ensure we no more in the body count? currently they are all in a 55, just for thie moment, because it was the only other fully cycled tank in the house. bear in mind, this was my 140 that had the issue. some of the larger ones are going to a 80 this evening (hubby working on this), and we are drilling the tank tonight and resetting up the 140. but i didn't know if there was anything to add to the water to de-stress everyone.

    number two, the following are the fish i lost. I am looking for the ones in blue for replacements. if you are selling any, or know of a place to find replacements, please let me know. unfortunately, 3 of them are irreplaceable, hybrids i'm sure, but i've had them for almost a year now. all in all, you can see why i'm distressed....

    1 - 3" spotted leaf fish
    1 - 2" female rock krib
    1 - 2" male daffodil brichardi
    3 - 2" hap. sp elecrta females
    1 - 2.5" hap. sp electra male
    1 - 4" blue ahli hybrid male (the one with anchorworms jesper)
    1 - 4" electric blue ahli male
    1 - 3" otter point male
    1 - 3.5" german red male
    1 - 3.5" red male peacock
    1 - 3.5" albino pseudotropheus male albino zebra
    1 - powder blue pseudotropheus hybrid female (my baby maker thats been with me over a year)
    1 - 3" powder blue pseudotropheus zebra male

    thanks for the help everyone.
    140 New World Cichlids
    125 African Lakes Victoria and Malawi
    80 Lake Tanganyika (Burundi Frontosas)
    30 Pundamilia Neyerie Ruti Island group
    29 Tropical Semi Aggressive/Community
    And to January it was just the 29...)

  • #2
    That sux!! I would just leave the lights off. Just my 2 cents.



    • #3
      Give them lots of aeration. Air pump, powerhead, angle the spray bar toward the surface...whatever you got. Aeration does wonders.
      Our Fishhouse
      Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


      • #4
        I am soooo sorry. I would cry.
        BEWARE Guard GUPPIES On Duty!


        • #5
          oh believe me...i did...hard...for like an hour...
          140 New World Cichlids
          125 African Lakes Victoria and Malawi
          80 Lake Tanganyika (Burundi Frontosas)
          30 Pundamilia Neyerie Ruti Island group
          29 Tropical Semi Aggressive/Community
          And to January it was just the 29...)


          • #6
            Did you have a cannister or HOB filter on your tank for supplemental filtration?
            Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


            • #7
              no i didn't. never even thought about that. is that typical? i was under the impression that a wet dry was the end all of HOB's
              140 New World Cichlids
              125 African Lakes Victoria and Malawi
              80 Lake Tanganyika (Burundi Frontosas)
              30 Pundamilia Neyerie Ruti Island group
              29 Tropical Semi Aggressive/Community
              And to January it was just the 29...)


              • #8
                Sorry to hear about this
                Resident fish bum
                330G FOWLR
                34G Reef
                330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                Treasurer, GHAC


                • #9
                  If a system is critical then the application should be redundant.....

                  (40 years of designing control & safety systems for the petro/chem industry)

                  I try to use dual-everything or better still a 2 out of 3 voting system.

                  The odds of your air pump / bubbler and your HOB filter and your W/D all failing at the same time are slim.... unless you are dependent on HL&P

                  You can add a low level switch and a battery powered audeable alarm to your sump (I have a battery powered overflow alarm in my fish room)

                  Considering you lost that many fish is that short a time, you might want to consider getting a bigger tank or keeping less fish in the tank as the easy way out option. I would say more plants, gut not with those fish.........

                  Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.
                  Hang in there, the good days by far, excede the bad days.
                  'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
                  He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


                  • #10
                    Like PP said, redundancy is key. Something can still go wrong, but your odds of survival go up.

                    Sorry about you loss, but yes - get 2nd filter on there asap for just such emergencies. Good luck!

                    EDIT: I forgot to ask.. Is your sump-pump still working?
                    Last edited by jeebus; 07-18-2009, 12:38 AM.
                    Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                    • #11
                      You are also getting pseudotropheus, 1 buffalohead, some peacocks and others.

                      Trophs & Petros ONLY


                      • #12
                        going to change this thread to tragic week!!!!!! my 125 sprung a massive leak at 6:30 this morning. i seriously was ready to give up fish keeping.

                        thanks to corey's (hubby) quick thinking, and countless hours of hard work around the clock practically, the 140 is back up and running. only problem is that the fish from the 80, went into the 125 which broke today, so they are now in the 140, and the africans are still in the 55 or in the 80, which now houses my front colony. furthermore, we are re-sealing the 125 tomorrow, in hopes that by wednesday, all the africans can go in there.

                        did i lose anyone? anyone? ok good. cause up till i posted this, i was confused as hell....

                        jesper, the pump still works thankfully.

                        fshfrk ??? am i missin something?
                        140 New World Cichlids
                        125 African Lakes Victoria and Malawi
                        80 Lake Tanganyika (Burundi Frontosas)
                        30 Pundamilia Neyerie Ruti Island group
                        29 Tropical Semi Aggressive/Community
                        And to January it was just the 29...)


                        • #13
                          LOL well I noticed you answered back Jeebus with my name.. its all good :)
                          What I recommend is shortly make a list of what filtration you have on your tanks so you dont have the same things happen again. If you want I will be more than happy to stop by and give you a list of recommendations so you know exactly what is going on so you may not have this problem again.

                          What fish do Jesper have
                          180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                          Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                          58 S. Decorus

                          "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                          • #14
                            Oh, wow, what a bad week! I'm so sorry you've had two tragedies in a row like that (or to have them at all). But it sounds like you're doing well under the circumstances with friends to help you through it.

                            • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
                            • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
                            • 29g Planted - Journal
                            • 29g Planted
                            • 5g Planted RCS


                            • #15
                              Just that I was going to give you other fry than brichardi's. Good luck!

                              Trophs & Petros ONLY

