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freshwater blue lobster---SELL OR TRADE

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  • Closed: freshwater blue lobster---SELL OR TRADE

    This guy is basically full grown and pushing 5 inches from nose to tail. I raised it from about an 1.5 inches, so I'm guessing its a little less then 2 years old. Recently it molted its shell, which gives it a green undertone due to being fed algae wafers only for the last several months. It's got pink and purble speckles too. With a change in diet I'm sure it would go back to its usual vibrant blue. I really don't know what the sex is.
    I want to sell becuase I am over populated with bottom feeders and really like to rotate stock on my tank to keep things interesting. Shoot me a reasonable offer to buy or trade.
    I'm thinking $15 bucks if your willing to come to Cypress for pick up. DO your own research to make sure it will be compatable with your tank, but they are very colorful and intersting animals. I have found him out of the tank twice!
    My tank is 55Gal. with 2 Blood Red Parrots
    1 Cucoo catfish
    1 pleco
    1 turqoise rainbow ( i'm looking to add at least 4 more)
    Open to trade with anything that will grow over 4 inches and is compatible with the above.
    text Scott at 832-517-9551 for pics and interest.
    Last edited by Nageltribe; 04-11-2015, 04:03 PM.

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