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Betas and Freshwater

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  • Betas and Freshwater

    Is it okay to put female betas with other freshwater fish? What/how would I feed the beta? Thanks in advance guys!

  • #2
    It sure is, as long as the other fish are not too aggressive or fin-nippers. I've even put male bettas in a community tank before. And females do very well. They'll eat what you feed the other fish, but will love you forever if you feed bloodworms a few times a week. :)
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      Female bettas would hold their own on most community fish.
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #4
        Female battas are great community fish. You can have as many as 8 in the same tank. they can hold their own with most small cichlids and wont pick on smaller fish. they will eat the same food as all your other fish. if you use good food and give treats.
        Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


        • #5
          I don't know about female bettas but I used to have a male betta.
          I kept him with angelfish for a while and it was a bad idea, they kept nipping his fins.
          I kept him with goldfish, it was little better. I think the goldfish did try to get at him except they were too slow.

          He got along with platys and guppies.

          Another thing to remember is that bettas do not like strong current like we normally have in a regular tank. Make sure your tank has a more quiet corner for him/ her. They also like a branch, leaf, or a piece of wood to rest on, near the surface if possible.


          • #6
            I would watch closely. I tried 2 different male bettas and 1 female betta (all at separate times, of course!) in a platy tank and they bullied those platies like none other. I've heard it can be done, but if you do decide to do it, watch them closely for the first day and make sure no one's getting irreparably damaged. :)
            All bleeding stops eventually...

