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COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much more

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  • #31
    Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

    so what all does the 2028 come with? spray bar? intake? tubing? i am really intrested and can pick up before saturday if need to.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #32
      Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

      Originally posted by daisymac";p="
      Yes szid! I am very interested in the litlle BN! Now, where can I get some driftwood?

      Thanks for remembering!  
      smokin' has a piece on his list at $45.  You could PM him, maybe he could send email you a pic.
      Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


      • #33
        Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

        Forgot to ask, how many media trays does it have?
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #34
          Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

          Forgot to ask, how many media trays does it have?
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #35
            Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

            Originally posted by szidlon";p="
            Originally posted by daisymac";p="
            Yes szid! I am very interested in the litlle BN! Now, where can I get some driftwood?

            Thanks for remembering!  
            smokin' has a piece on his list at $45.  You could PM him, maybe he could send email you a pic.
            Szid - look at his website - you can see the piece and it is wayyyy too big for my little 55g! Now If I could just get a piece or share it with someone. Can you do that? I mean cut the driftwood apart?


            • #36
              Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

              The 2028 comes with spray bar intake tube and hoses, 3 media trays and new media for two of the trays. I was planning using it on a small puffer tank someday. I tested it as you can see from my website. Quitest filter I have ever heard. I kept lifting the spray bar out of the water to make sure it was work. LOL
              Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
              Lets see what the imagination fruits.
              Check out my last tank


              • #37
                Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                Originally posted by daisymac";p="
                Originally posted by szidlon";p="
                Originally posted by daisymac";p="
                Yes szid! I am very interested in the litlle BN! Now, where can I get some driftwood?

                Thanks for remembering!  
                smokin' has a piece on his list at $45.  You could PM him, maybe he could send email you a pic.
                Szid - look at his website - you can see the piece and it is wayyyy too big for my little 55g! Now If I could just get a piece or share it with someone. Can you do that? I mean cut the driftwood apart?
                Well Daisy, just get a bigger tank  :wink:
                I'm sure you could cut the driftwood, but the cut would probabaly look very unnatural unless it was a break more than a cut.  Have you checked Ebay?
                Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                • #38
                  Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                  ill take the 2028!
                  700g Mini-Monster tank


                  • #39
                    Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                    probably a bag or two of eco-complete as well.
                    700g Mini-Monster tank


                    • #40
                      Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                      The fish must go. Dropping discus to $15 each.
                      Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
                      Lets see what the imagination fruits.
                      Check out my last tank


                      • #41
                        Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                        Can you post what fish are not spoken for and an updated non-finned item available list?  I know the BN's and Rams are spoken for.  I'm pretty maxed on space for Discus, I already have 10 in a 105.
                        Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                        • #42
                          Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                          I will have to waiting until I get home so I can go down the list for sure but here is what I think is gone
                          a few bags of eco ek
                          2028 ek
                          BN sz
                          rams sz
                          all co2 stuffs lo
                          loaches rr
                          tetras rr

                          If I have left somesone or something out please let me know. Also If I have sent you my adress. The directions give on Mapquest are correct. And actually the location give by Mapquest is correct (close) just the street is not on the map. If you look at the areil photo you will see me street.
                          Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
                          Lets see what the imagination fruits.
                          Check out my last tank


                          • #43
                            Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                            I forgot to list the Nitra-Zorb
                            6 of the big pouches used one time cycled and ready to go

                            the tank also comes with a 55 drum for change water
                            Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
                            Lets see what the imagination fruits.
                            Check out my last tank


                            • #44
                              Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                              Is logan5 going to exersize his DIB option on the CO2?
                              "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


                              • #45
                                Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                                Sorry guys ... picked it up last night.   Got some ready made DIY 2 liter bottles if you want them :)

                                There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.

