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Geophagus Breeding

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  • #16
    I kept Firemouths and loved them. They would lay eggs but none ever hatched that I saw. but I had gravel at the time so who knows, they may have been hiding in the undergravel filter at the time. Still one of my favorite fish of all time!


    • #17
      my firemouths had gravel, but didnt care and laid eggs on the glass. the eggs disappeared by next day, so i thought they ate them. few days later there was a cloud of fry near a cave surrounding the mother. guess they just moved the eggs. i didnt complain :)


      • #18
        Morpheus, it sounds to me like they would like to breed. the sand will make them happier but if you want them to breed? They need to be in their own tank. As for the PH. They were born in this water. So they should be fine. I have a nice Tapajo pair but most of my other Geo's have been sold.
        Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


        • #19
          Well i did the conversion over to sand on Friday night. took about 2-3 hours start to finish. the tank is not fully complete yet, still want to swap out those ornaments for actual driftwood.

          but all in all was not that bad. the geos seemed happier and started sifting away in the sand as soon as all the rocks and such were placed. all that sand was level a day before this was taken.



          • #20
            Good job man! I like the natural look of the sand dunes. Drift wood would add nice contrast color to the sand.
            To be honest I'm thinking you will need a bigger tank soon lol.
            010G Long fin BN grow-out
            020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
            020G Leulepi grow-out
            020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
            030G Leulepi breeder
            030G SRD FlowerHorn
            040G Hongi Sweden breeder
            090G Tangs community
            100G Tangs community
            150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


            • #21
              yeah i will see what types of shapes i can find for driftwood. i like the more natural look. might need to make the trip to ADG for it...pretty far for me, but from their show tanks, i really liked the pieces they had. didnt get to peek in the warehouse.

              haha i want a bigger tank, but i think i would need a bigger house first to get a fish room. i dont think my wife will accept the "lets get rid of some couches for another tank" argument.

              next i will need to think next how to shuffle/trade/sell tankmates to get the suris to breed.


              • #22
                Originally posted by morpheus View Post
                haha i want a bigger tank, but i think i would need a bigger house first to get a fish room. i dont think my wife will accept the "lets get rid of some couches for another tank" argument.
                lol I hear you. You can't win that argument. The good news is you are right on track to become a fish addict!
                010G Long fin BN grow-out
                020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
                020G Leulepi grow-out
                020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
                030G Leulepi breeder
                030G SRD FlowerHorn
                040G Hongi Sweden breeder
                090G Tangs community
                100G Tangs community
                150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


                • #23
                  WOW! The Brasilienisis look great. They can move some sand.
                  Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                  • #24
                    Thanks Troy. And there lies the decision, because it sounds like "there can only be one" regards to the geo species in the tank to get them to breed. i like them both :)


                    • #25
                      Have two types of geos in the tank and they are breeding. 9 heckelli and 8 tapajo


                      • #26
                        How big is the tank they are in AG? Morph's are in a 45g tank. to small for both.
                        Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                        • #27
                          Ah mine are 125


                          • #28
                            Troy, the tapajo are going nuts. I have had 3 spawns in less than a week. It's the same male but I think with different females. Another one again tonight.


                            • #29
                              that's pretty Cool!
                              Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                              • #30
                                yeah mine is a 56 gal...and the dimensions are not standard. not as much lateral swimming space. its more of a cube. the suris are actually being the more aggressive of the two species.

                                i will probably have to trade in the brasilenisis and one of the male suris, maybe getting another female or two, to get them to breed

