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Tropheus Cherry Spot

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  • Tropheus Cherry Spot

    I got my cherry spot tropheus last Monday from Moganman. It's been my stress relief for a horrible Holiday Season.
    They're friendly little boogers. They come straight to the glass where my son stands and stare back at him. I took home 29 (about 1 inch or less)
    Unfortunately, I've already lost 3 as of today.
    The first one was crushed by a rock, that fell over onto it.
    The last 2, I found dead. No signs of injury. They've all been active, chasing around. No other tank mates. They have been grazing on thick algae mats on the back glass and rocks ( haven't decided over NLS or Dachini). Poop has all been green. High flow, pH 9, ammonia and nitrates practically undetectable, temp 80'.
    Thinking about using metro. Just doesn't seem like bloat.
    Emerald Green Rainbowfish
    Yellow Rabbit Snails

  • #2
    I wouldn't treat the fish. Sometimes new fry have a hard time adjusting. Just leave them alone.
    210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
    125g Mdoka White Lip

    "Success is the willingness to fail"


    • #3
      Just so everyone knows. My fish weren't sick when, I got them. Those little boogers, where swimming up to us in the tank, when I got there. I use to keep tropheus, my fish were quite healthy. They are about an inch. Bloat less likely at that size. Probably stressed out with all the transport to my tank. I just get itchy trigger finger with metro ( just having flash backs when I bloated out a couple of WC colonies I had several years ago).
      Moganman seems like a good guy. He actually gave me 3 extra. I actually texted him to see if he could possible get me some other species.
      Emerald Green Rainbowfish
      Yellow Rabbit Snails


      • #4
        If they are eating algae I would not feed them. I made the mistake of feeding my Ikola when they were eating the algae and they got bloat. They were about 1-1/4" size. Need to leave them alone so they dont get stressed out. Turn the lights out.

        I could have been over feeding them too.


        • #5
          I'm doing just that. I stopped feeding them. The entire back wall is covered with algae. I actually removed all the rock, today. I found a chewed up dead fry. I wondering if this may be the problem.
          Emerald Green Rainbowfish
          Yellow Rabbit Snails


          • #6
            Tropheus can be very unpredictable fish. I think the variable reward schedule applies to them. It's the same think you see in gambling. Hook and addiction.
            Emerald Green Rainbowfish
            Yellow Rabbit Snails


            • #7
              image.jpg Here's the fat beasties about a month later. We are down to 15 out of 39 but, I haven't lost one since around New Years. They are now eating HB veggie sinking wafers. Not sure if I will keep them because , of tank size issues in the future, but I'm having fun with them.
              Emerald Green Rainbowfish
              Yellow Rabbit Snails


              • #8
                See if Josiah can get you 15 more to add to your group.


                • #9
                  Sorry to hear about your loss man. Was it bloat?

                  "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."


                  • #10
                    Once they start coloring up you may change your mind and decide to keep them...Josiah got me some high quality cherry spots last year that were stunning once they colored up...


                    • #11
                      I want to keep them. It's gonna be a tank size issue. It's an issue of my wife letting me get an adequate size tank. I love tropheus. Lost a lot at the begining, probably stress, but these guys are solid. I made a mistake in my earlier post. They are eating omega one veggie waffers. I throw 2 in twice a day and they go to town. These guys are just fat! A few are starting to get a faint hint of pink.
                      Emerald Green Rainbowfish
                      Yellow Rabbit Snails


                      • #12
                        What's the issue with tank size?

                        "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Austy16414 View Post
                          What's the issue with tank size?
                          My wife won't allow a bigger tank. They are in a 55 to grow out. You can't keep an adult group in that. They need at least a 6 ft long 120+. Or at least I've never kept them as adults in anything less.
                          Emerald Green Rainbowfish
                          Yellow Rabbit Snails


                          • #14
                            My wife won't allow a bigger tank
                            wife has to

                            You can't keep an adult group in that
                            some would say a 30g is sufficient.
                            you can probably get away with using a 75g
                            210g : haps
                            12g : shellies
                            (4) 55g:breeding tanks


                            • #15
                              +1 on the 75G. Pretty sure the black knight can change his lady's mind just a little bit? LMAO

