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Eheim 2262 vs Fluval Fx6

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  • Eheim 2262 vs Fluval Fx6

    I have a pristine Discus tank with 11 healthy 5 up to 7 inch adults and about 120 tetras with a mixture of Rummies, Neons, Cardinals and Glolights along with some Corys and Pictus catfish.

    Every holiday season I try to do some type of improvement with my system using a portion of my bonus. I have a 150g deep dimension running 2 Fluval fx6 and 2 Eheim 2217s and a Coralife 36W UV sterilizer. I maintain a large container of Chemipure Elite in the bottom of one fx6 and the full container that treats 400G tank in the top of one 2217 and all else is set up for bio filtration with combination of Fluval Biomax, Eheim Substrat, Seachem Matrix and floss.

    My question is for you serious hobbyist who have worked a lot with various types of filtration is as follows. Can I achieve same results or better if I sell my two fx6 large canisters and replace them with one 2260 or 2262 and fill it with all bio media. Then stand down one 2217 and fill the other with 50% Chemipure Elite and Purigen or 100% of one or the other making the smaller Eheim more of a chemical filtration reactor that dual roles with moving water through the UV sterilizer.

    This would be less maintenance and if it achieves as good or better results I could pay for the 2280 media through resell if offline filters.

    Let's me know your thoughts. I travel a lot on business. Although my goal is weekly water changes the truth is it may take me a coue of weeks to be able to get to it.
    Last edited by Tautog; 10-26-2014, 01:03 PM.
    “Semper Procinctum”

  • #2
    I would swap out the two 2217s for a single FX6. I just swapped my 2217 and cascade1000 for an FX6 and I'm loving the decreased maintenance

    "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."


    • #3
      Not me 2217's or ehiem classics are still the best...


      • #4
        The flow on the 2217 is weak. Not good for much beyond biological filtration in my opinion. I do love me a 2260/62 though

        "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."


        • #5
          The flow doesnt have to be strong when ur getting 100% filtration..


          • #6
            Actually I had Eheim model wrong. Meant the 2260 and 2262 large canisters for discussion.
            “Semper Procinctum”


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tautog View Post
              Actually I had Eheim model wrong. Meant the 2260 and 2262 large canisters for discussion.
              I'd take a 2260 or 62 over a Fluval, but it really comes down to personal preference. At the end of the day you really can't go wrong with an FX6 or the large Eheims

              "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."


              • #8
                Originally posted by gmod View Post
                The flow doesnt have to be strong when ur getting 100% filtration..
                Not sure what you mean by 100% filtration, I'd expect nothing less from a filter. I just think if you're trying to cut down on maintenance, might as well swap out two filters for one. 2217s aren't made to run big tanks

                "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."


                • #9
                  Large wetdry. Im assuming your 150g deep is 48x24x33 tall roughly? Depending on height of your stand, you could fit a 40b or a 58g tank in there.

                  When built properly with micron sock prefilters, the only maintenance you will ever good is changing out your socks every other week assuming those fish arent being fed as much as trophs. Between micron socks, 25-30g of media plus the extra 20-30g of water volume youll get more efficient bio bacteria because you have both aerobic and anaerobic and micron socks are best form of mechanical. instead of having 4 intakes and 4 returns, you'll have an overflow box and a return.

                  Depending on how your stand is built, you might be able to fit one of those fx6s in there as well for extra mechanical.


                  • #10
                    If u expect nothing less than 100% filtration u wouldnt have been running a cascade

                    I do agree with u on the wetdry however...but would still keep a 2217 or 2 in the mix...maint isnt that bad had 3 on my 75g...alternate cleaning every 3mths...
                    Last edited by gmod; 10-26-2014, 05:21 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by gmod View Post
                      If u expect nothing less than 100% filtration u wouldnt have been running a cascade

                      I do agree with u on the wetdry however...but would still keep a 2217 or 2 in the mix...maint isnt that bad had 3 on my 75g...alternate cleaning every 3mths...
                      That cascade had better flow than the 2217 lol still having trouble with the 100% filtration thing

                      "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."


                      • #12
                        Wow...ok. inlet at the bottom outlet at the top no baskets to create a area where water can slip through. Etc etc etc...


                        • #13
                          I gotcha. The design is good but the pump is still weak. Pushing less than 200 GPH on a 150 seems like a waste of space

                          "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."


                          • #14
                            IMO> It is personal preference. Witch do you like best? or Witch can you afford? I have had the 2260. It is a nice filter. but I like the wet/dry best. In my 130g I run about 1100gh the over flow will not do much more. the wet/dry does something else too. It helps oxygenate the water with out having a bubbler.
                            I my self choose to run a low budget setup. I do not run Purigen, carbon, or UV light. It not dark water but is setup to look like dark water. It works just fine for me!
                            Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                            • #15
                              As for Eheim vs Fiuval? They are both great filters. Best money can buy.
                              I think you should save your money and go bigger. 500+gal.!
                              Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...

