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Cloudy water

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  • Cloudy water

    The 90g my son has in his room is really cloudy and some reason it doesn't want to clear up. It's been like this since I add the pool filter sand when I first set it up. I'm currently running two filters on it, AG50 and a Marineland mag 350 canister. His cichlids are always digging in the sand and I'm not sure it that's the reasons for it being cloudy or some other reason.

    Thanks Chris....
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi Chris, because he have fish already so just do 50% water change and wait for few more day do another 50% WC and just clean up the filter again. I am sure it will clear your water after second WC. I have cloud tank before when I have new substrate and I do few water change and it clear up.


    • #3
      Yes just keep doing water change every other day and clean filter out btw did you rinse the sand out before putting it in the tank?


      • #4
        That's normal when you add sand. It will clear up in a week with the fillters running.
        010G Long fin BN grow-out
        020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
        020G Leulepi grow-out
        020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
        030G Leulepi breeder
        030G SRD FlowerHorn
        040G Hongi Sweden breeder
        090G Tangs community
        100G Tangs community
        150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


        • #5
          Probably bacterial bloom. Heterotrophic bacteria having fun. Clears after some days. Is the tank already cycled ?


          • #6
            I agree look like its Cycling. It will clear up in a few days.
            Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


            • #7
              I don't this its bacterial bloom, some of the water came from his old tank and I used the same media in the AG50. The sand I did rinse it but I don't think I rinsed it very well. I've done water change already and I switched media in the canister. It originally had a water polishing cartridge and put in carbon cartridge with a screen. Do I need to remove the fish and clean the sand or will multiple water changes help it?


              • #8
                Don't replace the filter media, just clean it with aquarium water and put it back. Also seachem stability is a good way of avoid the mini cycle, it's cheap and works wonderful, just follow the instructions.


                • #9
                  It happened on every new tank. I just started new one and cloudy happened. First WC and wait 1 night problem solved


                  • #10
                    Mine went cloudy for the.first time this week. Only for a few hours though. Im surprised yous didnt hear me curse in Houston!

                    Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2


                    • #11
                      Cloudy water

                      I'd just give it some time. Had exacttly the same. After some days it settled down and was perfectly clear (still rhink it are bacteria but okay)


                      • #12
                        Tank looks a whole lot better since I cleaned the filter on it last Wednesday. Try to do a water change this afternoon. Thank you everyone for the help.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Off topic: godamn! A 90 in his room that's so cool! All I have is a 3 lmao!

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Lairdc76 View Post
                            Tank looks a whole lot better since I cleaned the filter on it last Wednesday. Try to do a water change this afternoon. Thank you everyone for the help.
                            Good to hear. I was about to tell you that if it is still cloudy to just sell it for a dollar. To me.


                            • #15
                              Hahahha!! That's a great idea except I'd be willing to offer a firm 5$!

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

