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Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

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  • Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

    Fish Matter
    Do we choose our fish or do they choose us?

    One might say the Subtitle “Do we Choose our fish or do they choose us?” is absolutely ridicules.  We choose the fish, right?  Don’t we?  I sat contemplating that question one evening in front of one of my aquariums.  I found myself thinking of when my wife and I were new to the hobby just trying not to kill off the fish in our 10g tank.  

    Essentially when entering the Fish Hobby the typical individual will have almost no knowledge of fish and what it takes for fish to survive.   How many of us have cleaned their tank by changing out all the water and cleaning the filter till it sparkled and wondered why their fish died soon after?  I’ve seen fish leave a LFS with their new owners, who by the way should just wear a bright shirt or hat with “Newbie” written on it in big bold letters, knowing there would be no happy ending.  One person may start out with goldfish or Tetras.  Another may want to buy a fish that they have to have, only to have it die or find that it has killed anything else in the tank.  

    What I’m getting at is that it takes time to know the basics of the fish hobby and to get familiar with all the types of fish, at least in general before you know what you like and if you are able to meet the needs of that fish.  So you pick a fish or fishes that you like that are also within your means to care for.  What are the “means”?  “Means” is money, time, and space.  Another way to look at it is that your fish has chosen you because of your interest and the level of care you can provide for them.

    How long did it take you for your fish to choose you?  Or are you still on the journey to find out?  Just something to think about and by all means please share your thoughts.

  • #2
    Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

    Rauls High.  :smokin:


    • #3
      Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

      i .....i .....think you may be right chris......


      you puffin the cheeba over there Raul?????


      • #4
        Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!


        What?  Just because I'm hispanic I got to be smoking?  I'll have you both know that I was out of the good stuff when my mind started wandering...LMAO!


        • #5
          Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

          He's been sniffing the dechlorinator again!
          This is your brain on amquel:
          Any questions?
          PLECOS SUCK!


          • #6
            Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

            WOW  8O
            Resident BUM !!!


            • #7
              Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

              Raul   I'm jealous!!   Didn't you learn sharing???
              "There will come a time when you have a chance to do the right thing."
              "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by. "
              -Dead Man's Chest


              • #8
                Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

                Raul must be part chipawa, sounds like he's on a vision quest and the paote is kicking in bout now..... 8)

                Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                • #9
                  Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

                  Yeah man...I heard about that guy Raul.  I hear he is a insane.  He sits around just thinking all kinds of $%^& up.  



                  • #10
                    Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

                    The only thing that worries me is the fact that he is still awake while he should be getting some sleep...

                    What fish do Jesper have
                    180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                    Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                    58 S. Decorus

                    "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                    • #11
                      Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

                      Mike, have you noticed Raul purchasing amquel, zip drops, or aquasafe in greater quantities or more frequently than usual? You may want to limit his purchases.
                      Evil Monkey and Sunshine, if you dad is doing water changes, please dechlorinate the water for him, then hide the chemicals in a safe place he will never look. Like under your mattress, or that hole in the wall of your closet. Your dad is going through a tough time right now and he really could use your support. Thanks guys!
                      PLECOS SUCK!



                      • #12
                        Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!



                        • #13
                          Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

                          If you could and wanted to...what kind of fish would you want to be and why?  

                          What if you had a choice to be human or a fish whenever you wanted to?  I believe that there are people out there that can really do this.  Aliens?


                          • #14
                            Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

                            It's that old Yaqui brujo Juan that Raul's been hanging out with...the "becoming a fish" statement gave it away.
                            I am a Sailfin Molly... 8)

                            Deep thoughts, Mister rrocket...very astute and quite accurate. Those who get past the basic first stages of "I bought some ***** to replace the ****** I got that died; what do they eat?" begin to see the aquarium as an environment instead of a room decoration, and find their way to a better place as more fish begin to grow and stay alive. MTS soon follows, and most find their way to the HFB and various clubs.
                            Once started down that path, there is no way back...10 gallon is replaced with 29 gallon, then 55, and eventually leads to the 210 and furnitureless dwellings; who needs a couch when a 300 gallon would fit right there?
                            I would expound at length, but I need to feed the juvies in the 29 and the mating pairs in the 20; and I really should get some rest before doing the 6 water changes scheduled for today.
                            Fortunately, I have managed to avoid the more serious effects of MTS, and I still have some furniture.
                            Working for a better Future for my Fish!
                            75, 29
                            All my other tanks have gone on to better lives!

                            Sailfin Mollies, Plecos, Corys,, 1 lonely Jewel Cichlid


                            • #15
                              Re: Hey, Pick on a fish that suits you!

                              Good to hear from you Greg.  How is your daughter?

