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More plants from TPT

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  • More plants from TPT

    I bought my downoi from travisk so I know his plants are good. He has a good list of plants and sells them at a good and fair price. As a comparison another TPT user is selling

    Hygrophila sp. araguaia~5-6 stems with root (perhaps)~~Turn reddish if condition is optimal. Nice foreground plant.~20$
    while its $5 for a bunch from travisk.

    that being said i plan to order some plants from him sunday so if anyone wants to jump in let me know, or if you want me to push it back a week or so i can do that too.

    Cyperus helferi- $5 for 3 plants
    Bacopa australis-$3 per bunch.
    Hygrophila corymbosa-$3 per bunch
    Bacopa monnierri-$3 per bunch
    Rotala rotundifolia-bunch of at least 8 stems $4.50
    Rotala sp. green-bunch of at least 8 stems $4.50
    Heteranthera zosterifolia-$3 a bunch
    Pogostemon yatabeanus-emersed grown $4.50 a bunch
    Jungle vallisneria-4 plants for $5
    Eleocharis acicularis (dwarf hairgrass) softball portion, one available $12
    Nesaea sp. red- $5 a bunch
    Echinodorus tennellus- 10 plants for $6
    Rotala macrandra "japan red"-$5 a bunch
    Bacopa sp. Japan-$4.50 a bunch
    Ludwigia sp. red-$4.50 a bunch
    Hemianthus micranthemoides-ziploc snack bag portion$6.50
    Hygrophila sp. Araguaia-$5 a bunch
    Vallisneria spiralis-10 plants for $5
    Staurogyne porto vehlo- $5.50 a 2"pot

    LooksLater - $23
    1-Cyperus helferi- $5 for 3 plants ($5)
    3-Heteranthera zosterifolia-$3 a bunch ($9)
    1-Pogostemon yatabeanus-emersed grown $4.50 a bunch (4.50)
    1-Ludwigia sp. red-$4.50 a bunch ($4.50)

    Chester - $15
    1-Nesaea sp. red- $5 a bunch ($5)
    1-Hygrophila sp. Araguaia-$5 a bunch ($5)
    1-Staurogyne porto vehlo- $5.50 a 2"pot ($5.50)

    Green is available
    Yellow is pending
    Red is out of stock

    Total: $48 + shipping

    So far he has all the plants we have requested.
    Last edited by Chester; 07-26-2013, 11:39 AM. Reason: Added orders

  • #2
    Javier the plants you showed me are Staurogyne porto vehlo... if you check this post out lol


    • #3
      i'll be ordering

      Nesaea sp. red- $5 a bunch
      Rotala macrandra "japan red"-$5 a bunch - maybe...
      Hygrophila sp. Araguaia-$5 a bunch
      Staurogyne porto vehlo- $5.50 a 2"pot


      • #4
        are you kidding me,.... you're gonna make me poor... I want more foreground plants!!!
        I have the patience of a goldfish....


        • #5
          Dude, how did you find that name? I will probably jump in. Let me check out the plants.


          • #6
            Staurogyne porto vehlo looks awesome lol I saw it in person at Javier's house and it is a foreground plant pretty unique too... I just checked out the name cause you said it sounded like porto something.


            • #7
              it needs high light so it seems
              I have the patience of a goldfish....


              • #8
                Oh guys are killing me! I'll get back to you...
                "I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." -Oscar Wilde


                • #9
                  hmm i'll still give it a try for $5 and see how it goes


                  • #10
                    no worries not in a super rush so i can push my order back a week or so if people want to check it out and then decide. the shipping isn't that big of a deal tbh its more that i know he has good plants so just trying to spread the word... and he has plants that lots of us may not have down here yet... then we can just trade the stems later lol


                    • #11
                      Does he have more downoi?


                      • #12
                        nope i bought all of them lol


                        • #13
                          Did you buy all the Downoi from pets mart on sawyer too? Lol
                          A wife, two kids and two cats.


                          • #14
                            haha possibly yes... but i have an extra one if anyone wants for the petsmart price bought it so others on the box could get some if they couldn't find it


                            • #15
                              Certainly looks tempting, but I have a distinct feeling we might be onboard this one,
                              In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                              Desiderius Erasmus
                              GHAC President

