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Where to buy natives

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  • Where to buy natives

    Im in the houston/katy area and im willing to buy some natives from a lfs i've tried all the ones in sw area Extreme,city pets,Fish and pets unlimted which is new and i bought 2 shiners from them thats all they had im waiting for a restock so i can buy more.But anyone know any other lfs that sells natives.Or is there anyone that has caught natives and are willing to sell them.No cichlids or anything agressive the native are going to be going into my pond with small kois and goldfish along with the 2 shiners, rosy reds,and a common pleco,and a brown spotted pleco a friend gave to me.Another question that doesnt go along with natives but im going to ask it anyways,what kind of other fish can i keep in my pond I like small fish like guppies or something.Another thing im not going to buy a heater.The pond is heavily planted so need to worry about the koi eating the fish.

  • #2
    Try Houston Aquatics in the Heights. Sometimes you may find various killifish and swamp darters mixed in with their feeder shrimp. Also, consider Golden Shiners, which are sold as bait minnows at Gander Mountain. Make sure you bring a bucket with an aerator and ask if you can pick your own fish.


    • #3
      I collect my natives from water around here. Some that I keep include: Diamond Killifish (Adinia xenica), Bayou Killifish (Fundulus pulverus), Golden Topminnow (Fundulus chrysotus), and Bullhead Minnows (Pimephales vigilax). Mollies are common as well, but I don't keep them because they bully other fish. We also have red shiners (Cyprinella lutrensis) all over the place, and are actually pretty, but like more space than I can give them. Most fish stores do not keep natives in stock because they have to go through the process of getting a collecting permit and a separate permit to sell them. I collect them for work and .... have to take some home for further cataloging... I collect in different places around here, including Galveston, Sugar Land, and Lake Jackson. If you see something you are interested in, let me know, and I might be able to hook you up.
      75 planted (Being Renovated)
      lots of nanos


      • #4
        I wonder if anyone has tried keeping whiteclouds around here....
        HALA MADRID!!!!


        • #5
          I might consider on a large diy minnow trap with the top cut a little more so bigger fish like shiners can fit.How much are the golden shiners at gander mtn. I live by a creek at a certain part its deep then it spreads out and shallow and there are ditches leading to it.Its right behind my house so where would be the best place to set a trap?

