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Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

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  • Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

    Well guys, today I picked myself out 2 Green Spotted Puffers.  I was gonna get one but this one that looked like he could use alittle extra TLC so I got him also.  One if very healthy lookin and the other one looks like he just needs someone to make sure he gets plenty of food.  He has a hellava appetiete.  Both of them do actually.  Wel they seem to be lovin there 10 gallon so far.  Can believe that there jumpers though but man they are.  The keep jumpin up outta the water testin the top I guess.  The most unique thing about them so far is that they make this clicking zipper zip kinda noise.  Hard to describe so thats the best I can do.  But its funny.  My wife walked in the door and was like whats that noise.  LOL.  Its funny.  Well I will try and take some pics and post them for all to see.

  • #2
    Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

    whered you get him?
    Clear Lake, TX


    • #3
      Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

      i got them at aquarium world


      • #4
        Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

        how big are they?
        Clear Lake, TX


        • #5
          Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

          about 2 inches. maybe little less.


          • #6
            Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

            Weird, I've never heard that about the noise! Love to see some pictures when you get the chance.  :)
            "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


            • #7
              Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

              I have never heard the noise thing either....or see them jump.... sure the water params are good?

              either way congrats for saving them from that Heck hole!
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #8
                Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                They noise you are referring to is probably caused by their teeth. You probably hear it when they are eating. I have never seen my spotted puffer jump out the water.


                • #9
                  Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                  no they do it just in the tank.  like there talkin. and yeah the water is great.  i have been readin and they say that they do make noises that are weird. and they are jumpers.  evan fish store warned me.


                  • #10
                    Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                    post some pics up!
                    Clear Lake, TX


                    • #11
                      Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                      i gotta. im havin trouble gettin the pics to resize to fit on site.  ill work it our this weekend for sure.  gonna get me some editin software


                      • #12
                        Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                        Originally posted by mrairportjunke";p="
                        The most unique thing about them so far is that they make this clicking zipper zip kinda noise.  Hard to describe so thats the best I can do.  But its funny.  
                        i know what you mean by that noise- used to have two little buddies and they would make that sound every time they would get fed- i think it's the noise of their beaks opening and shutting/chewing or something.  they're awfully cute when they're small.


                        • #13
                          Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                          yeah they do it to me when they see us sittin in the room


                          • #14
                            Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                            hey guys, i think one of my puffers has intestinal worms.  they said its a possiblity if he wont fatten up,  he has the white stringy poop is a tell tell sign is what i read, and the lfs told me.  what is a med to use to get rid of them do yall know and hwere to get it?? stuff that the store told me i cant find anywhere with out goin all the way back to them to get it.


                            • #15
                              Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                              I got two of these today. My hope is they help control the guppy population.  

